2020: The Wisdom of the Body
Happy New Year Quantum Healing Family! I am so pleased for the opportunity to start again fresh and renewed for the new year. As we come...
The two things we should never neglect, ever...
I read this in my yoga class while students where in savasana... "A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it. It just...
What is Quantum Healing for the Soul?
Quantum Healing for the Soul What is the Soul? In the blueprint of the soul we have one leading element. This is the unique landscape of...
Courage, Comfort Zones, and Quantum Healing ~ Part II
It was summer of 2018 when I met medicine healer Donna Arz. I had been in a dark place earlier in the year and needed help. A dear friend...
Courage, Comfort Zones, and Quantum Healing ~ Part I
Courage, Comfort Zones, and Quantum Healing ~ PART I It was 2010 and I remember my first East Wind Yoga class with Vanessa like it was...
Nourish your Energetic Body with Yin Yoga and Sound Healing I was listening to a video about new year resolutions, habits, and changing...
You are Being Called
Can you truly leave everything familiar and venture into the unknown? Can you brave discomfort and risk taking a chance on yourself? Are...
My Wound is My Superpower
My Wound is My Superpower June 12 marks twenty one years since my car accident. As the days draw closer to the anniversary of this...
Control Freak
Control Freak It’s the last day of a five day yoga assisting immersion with a well known yoga instructor from San Francisco named Janet...